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Independent thought, independent writers, independent art

                 Introducing IndyPress

Welcome to IndyPress, an independent small publisher exploring the work of eclectic artists. Our authors have run theatres, newspapers and magazines, written novels, plays, biographies, newspaper columns, hosted on TV, composed ads, jingles, poems and songs, performed them, too... and been in and out of love....on several continents, in several languages...

And each of them Is Not Done Yet.

An Anthology Of  The Best Of 

Crossing The Line -  By David Sherman


All his life, the game has been his life and his escape, scoring sublimely through the bruising and bone-breaking.  But now, unexpectedly traded, rising young hockey star Blake Fowler realizes hockey's not a game at all.

Crossing The Line is a rare look at our iconic sport from behind a key player's mask. A look at the inequities of Canada's national dream, set against the inequities of its national shibboleth: pro hockey. It’s about a few wealthy winners, and a majority of losers for whom life is anything but a game. About a player who finds he can't justify making more money than he'll ever need, only for playing 25 minutes a few nights a week, while on every corner, poor and homeless jostle for change to eat.

And, how a determined woman teaches Blake Fowler that his rare talent can make his life larger than any game.

David Sherman


David Sherman is an author, playwright and singer/songwriter. He has written for and edited newspapers and magazines and produced radio for the CBC and documentary films for TV. He is also a recovering squash and cycling junkie, an Asian food addict and an unrepentant gym rat. When not recovering from whatever joint tortured in the weight room, he cooks passionately, albeit badly, and walks nightly with his partner, Reisa. 
His last novel, Momma’s Got the Blues, was released in May by Guernica Editions. Previous books include The Alcoholic’s Daughter and a collection of essays, Fish Wrapped: True Confessions of Newsrooms Past, a collection of humorous essays from Canada’s top journalists about days gone by.
He’s also created, a blog about the joyous vicissitudes of aging with contributions from writers across Canada.

Susan Kastner


Susan Kastner has worked in print and broadcast in half a dozen cities, four countries, two continents... from columnizing to feature writing to editing,  from hosting to script- and continuity-writing to doc-building, from advertising creative-directing to jingle-composing and performing, plus a couple of biographies.

Working on two family memoirs:

Whatever Happened To Peterboy? A fallen star, a family fable, an obsessive love.

How To Get A Husband In 30 Days: How my mom's magnum opus shaped my lives.

Guy Sprung


Guy Sprung is a veteran director, writer, actor working in theatre, radio, film and television. He has been Artistic Director of the half Moon Theatre in London, England, The Vancouver Playhouse, Toronto Free Theatre, Canadian Stage Company and most recently, Infinithéâtre in Montreal, Over the years, he has also established a serious track record as an arts journalist.

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